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Things to do during Movement Control Order (MCO)

During this MCO, many of us have to stay at home most of the time as movements are limited. We also have to adapt to our new working environment which is at home. So what are some of the things that we can do at home during this MCO?

1. Explore new activities at home!

None of us would ever expected that this Covid-19 pandemic will be around us for so long. It's been a year and the end of this is yet to be known. So this is the time for us to try out new activities to do at home, it could be doing Yoga, doing fitness challenge, gardening or maybe trying out new recipes! Occupying yourself by doing productive things will always be beneficial for your own personal growth.

2. Binge-watching time!

If you have always wanted to fill your pastime by watching your favorite series or kdrama, this is the time! You can have all the time that you want by binge-watching your favorite shows because when life gets back to normal, you might not have your free time anymore to do this as working life is starting to take over your pastime.

3. Declutter your home!

Staying at home for a long period of time will make you rethink do you really need all of your stuff in your room? Do you wear all of your clothes in your wardrobe or maybe can you still fit in it? What about the boxes that are piling up somewhere in your house? Do you still need it? I guess, during this MCO decluttering can actually help to reduce your stress and helps you to be more productive. Who knows maybe you can sell some of the things and make some money from it!

So there you go some of the things that you can do at home during this MCO. No matter what is it that you're planning to do, make sure to move around regularly at home as it is good for your health. Exercise often and stay hydrated!


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